Publication of
A transdisciplinary study of the representation of plants and their powers to think about the question of animation, cinema, photography and more broadly, that of the image, in the Anthropocene era and in the context of the "Green turning point" at work in the field of human sciences as well as contemporary art.
Domestication and fabrication of life is an action supported by the Mission Interdisciplinarite du CNRS (Pépinière de site CNRS–PSL) engages in interdisciplinary reflection involving the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics,...), the human sciences (anthropology, epistemology, philosophy, sociology,...) and technologies (robotics,...) in order to question the boundaries and definitions of the living and the non-living.
This project brings together actors from various PSL institutions (art and design schools, laboratories of natural science and human and social sciences) to explore the potentialities represented by biotechnology transfers in artistic, craft and industrial practices developing in the fields of bioart and biodesign.
The question of the conditions of the appearance of life or the presence of life in the universe, long considered to belong to the speculative domain, is becoming an active field of research. This affects many scientific fields of astronomy and astrophysics (with the discovery of extrasolar planets and our better knowledge of the solar system thanks to space probes), physico-chemistry and biology (with our advances concerning the pre-biotic world, the emergence of living matter, and the key stages of evolution). This reflection is also accompanied by a questioning of our way of thinking about the frontiers between the living and the non-living and how we represent them. With the project IRIS Origins and conditions of appearance of life, PSL wishes to contribute in a unique way to this theme.
Biomimicry is often presented as a solution to the ecological crisis that human societies are going through. For its advocates, this approach could establish, or restore, a less destructive relationship with the environment, by adopting approaches and manufacturing processes that imitate nature.
But as we sketch out the guiding ideas for new models of individual and collective action, we need to reflect on the conceptions of nature, life and technology associated with these practices, and not only in Western societies. Rather than considering the imitation of nature and life as a universal mechanism, it is crucial to reflect on the anthropological foundations of biomimicry or - to emphasize the diversity of practices - "biomimicry".
Sorbonne Nouvelle University
Sorbonne Université
Sorbonne Université - ENS
CNRS - Collège de France
King's College London
Strasbourg University